If last week's post on environmental scanning sparked your interest, you might be ready to dive deeper into the world of data. To help you get started, here are a couple of training options to make data work for your nonprofit.
When working with data, I find it helpful to start by asking three key questions: What do I want to know? How will I gather the information? And how will I use the answers? The following courses can help you approach these questions thoughtfully and build your data analysis skills.
TechSoup is a fantastic resource for nonprofit leaders, offering affordable software, services, and robust training. Their Data Analytics for Nonprofits course provides a solid foundation in data collection and analysis, enabling you to make data-driven decisions that strengthen your organization.
This LinkedIn Learning class explains the value of data-driven decision-making. Although focused on business, its principles apply equally well to nonprofits. If you're navigating environmental scanning and data gathering, this course is a great place to start.
Still not sure about the value of data gathering? This article provides a compelling case for why and how environmental scanning can transform your organization. How to Launch and Sustain Environmental Scans provides a comprehensive overview of environmental scanning. It offers practical tips to launch and maintain an effective scanning process.
By exploring these resources, you can unlock the power of data to drive impactful decisions for your nonprofit. Have a favorite course or strategy for data gathering? Drop me a note—I’d love to hear your thoughts!